Deep Sleep Healing Plan
Deep Sleep Healing Plan
Sleep Interruption, difficulty Falling asleep
Description du service
62% of adults worldwide feel they don't sleep well Mostly responsible for this staggering statistic is stress, lifestyle and diet. Not sleeping well is debilitating for most of us. In Ayurveda, the Vata constitution seems to have the most sleepless nights. And when they do sleep, it's usually no more than 5 to 6 hours. Vata ruling over the nervous system explains a lot. Pitta individuals are the most inclined to suffer from stress, practice high intensity exercise routines and eat heavy to digest foods: as a result, falling asleep is challenging. Kapha people seems entirely dysfunctional If not getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep daily. They are the nappers, which actually aggravates their constitution significantly. Tackling stress and/or anxiety , along with eating the right diet and avoiding activities which trigger the release of cortisol and adrenaline is crucial. Sound healing will dramatically improve the situation too. This plan takes place over the course of 1 month. It will give you the tools (diet and lifestyle) to balance yourself and your energies, while sound healing will help you come back to a peaceful state of being, removing stress and allowing quality sleep. This Plan Includes: - 1 Ayurvedic Consultation, 90' - 4 Sound Healing Sessions, 60' - 2 Herbal Medicines - Diet List & recommendations - Breathing Exercise Routine to take home with you You save 15% Buy your Plan bu booking your first 90 minutes session
Politique d'annulation
For cancellations and to reschedule: Full refund when you cancel at least 24 hours prior to your appointment date/time or reschedule without refund. Appointments which have not been cancelled at least 24h before start time are refundable at 50% of their value.
Gordes Gordes, France