Menopause Management
Menopause Management
In the management of Menopause and peri-menopause
Description du service
Rediscovering One's Body First of all, the Menopausal symptoms vary and can be quite debilitating for some women: dryness, weight gain or loss, alternating hot flushes and cold sweats, mood swings, lack of energy or drive, the feeling that this body is unknown territory, lack of libido, depression... often. Unfortunately, in many cases, this natural stage of life is tinted with shame, and isn't truly acknowledged as a real inconvenience by modern medicine. We are most of the time asked to cope, and put under an hormone replacement therapy which can be beneficial for some women or just unbearable. It remains that these chemical hormones are not entirely safe to our health. In addition, for most women, this stage of life is experienced as diving into old age with the realisation that well, "life is short"... The psychological and emotional aspects of things are relevant and when the body starts to show tangible signs of ageing, this time of our life can be a rough transition in a society that praises youth and physical beauty. This healing plan is here to help you manage the transition as smoothly as possible. By understanding your own Ayurvedic constitution, we can counter the effect of the withdrawal of oestrogen and progesterone. You'll get dietary and lifestyle recommendations which will last you a life time, tips and recipes to counter the effect of this physiological change, the most important food list and a yoga routine to preserve bones structure and relieve the lower back. Testimony "I contacted Eve and my life literally changed! Her approach, which is very different from what I have heard here in the West, is full of common sense! It immediately spoke to me. It has since become a philosophy of life. Quite quickly after the first sessions and necessary adjustments, I no longer had any of the symptoms". This Healing Plan includes: - 1 Ayurvedic Consultation 90' - 2 Follow Up Consultations 60' - Diet and lifestyle recommendations - 4 Herbal medicines - 1 Herbal Medicated Oil - Weight management - Yoga sequence for Menopause Save 15% Buy your plan by booking your first session
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For cancellations and to reschedule: Full refund when you cancel at least 24 hours prior to your appointment date/time or reschedule without refund. Appointments which have not been cancelled at least 24h before start time are refundable at 50% of their value.
Gordes Gordes, France